IF you're referring to the British burning down the American capital in the War of 1812, this was mostly done out of spite, and to show that the British had taken control of the area.
a) taking orders and performing repetitive tasks.
Samuel bowels and Herbert Gintis are widely known for their work on the sociology of education. Their book "Schooling in Capitalist America: Educational Reforms and Contradiction of Economic life" reflects how the structure of the capitalist workforce resembles the organization of schools. Their theory presented a view that the school system is a preparatory stage for a productive labor market. The hierarchy and discipline in schools prepare learners to be active labor force.
South American Indians who at the time of the Spanish conquest occupied the high valleys.
The "Monitoring the Future (MTF)" collects information to measure substance and alcohol use patterns among youths.
In 1975, the National Institute on Drug Abuse supported the yearly self-report overview. Monitoring the Future (MTF) is a continuous investigation of the practices, states of mind, and estimations of U.S. auxiliary school understudies, undergrads, and youthful grown-ups. MTF overviews an example of secondary school seniors, tenth graders, and eighth graders chose to be illustrative everything being equal, tenth graders, and eighth graders out in the open and private secondary schools in the United States.