"C. Karl Marx" did not help inspire the French people to revolution in 1789, since he argued for a communist state, while the other people mentioned argued for democracy.
Karl Heinrich Marx was a Prussian communist philosopher, economist, sociologist, journalist, intellectual and militant, and in his vast and influential work covers different fields of thought in philosophy, history, political science, sociology and economy; although he did not limit his work only to research, since he also ventured into the practice of journalism and politics, always proposing in his thought a union between theory and practice. Together with Friedrich Engels, he is the father of scientific socialism, modern communism, Marxism and historical materialism. His best known writings are the Manifesto of the Communist Party (co-authored with Engels), The Capital and The Eighteenth Brumaire by Luis Bonaparte.
George Wallace ran in the 1968 United States presidential election as the candidate for the American Independent Party against Richard Nixon and Hubert Humphrey.