They passed the Espionage and Sedition Acts which allowed the government to arrest and fine anyone speaking out against the war.
Industrialization in the continent of Europe spread from started in the 19th century. It started from the great Britain and slowly spread over the entire continent.
Industrialization was one of the greatest reforms. Human labor turned into mechanical labor solved half of the human problems. Industrialization which started from Great Britain slowly and steady spread over the entire continent.
The reason why industrialization began was because Britain had an abundance of coal. This led to the production of coal and hence economic stability was seen. This eventually led to the increase in its population.
The Southern Manifesto was a document written in the South in 1956, which attempted to push back against Brown V. Board of Ed., which stated that racial segregation in school was illegal. Their argument being that the US Constitution nowhere mentions education.
The best event to show the destruction of the natural landscape after the west was settled was when the government allocated regions in the west for the American Indians. The Indians were given land to live on for life, these are called Indian reservations.
After WWII, the increased advent of mechanization (invention of machines) reduces the need for farm workers. New tractors were designed to do the work of many men with only one man running the tractor. Tractors can plant and harvest crops.