I’m not really sure but could you please tell us how you need the help?
B. Abstemiousness is the correct answer :)
She used Imagery.
Imagery can be defined as the use of figurative languages to represent ideas, objects, and actions in such a way that it appeals to our physical senses.
The writer's use of this literary device will help the audience to understand that the way something looks may be described through the use of figurative languages (name calling).
The writer wants the audience to know that this name calling is indicative of their age. It is something that "children" do when they cannot think of anything else to argue but don't want to lose the linguistic war they have with each other through silence. She helps us to see that children believe that the name calling can hurt another child as much as anything else they could say or do, and it did hurts.
Skills that many people used to have, like making their own clothes and doing home repairs, are now disappearing in many countries.
Paraphrasing is the process required when we want to use information from a text from another authorng without directly quoting the source material.
The resulting sentence whould be a personal version of the essential information from the source, presented in a new way. Although it´s important the the new sentence is not a copy of the original text, it´s necessary to correctly express the original information accurately, as it´s our responablity to safeguar the intelectual property of the source´s author.
C. Personification: <em>Mask thy monstrous visage</em>. Personification happens when something (object, idea or animal for example) have or is given human attributes. When discoursing about conspiracy, Brutus calls and treats it as a concept, a thing vivid enough for it have a face and be conversed to as someone.