In the story a Knight's Tale by Geoffrey Chaucer Arcite is a Knight who imprisoned and falls in love with a beautiful woman named Emily. After being banished and never being able to see Emily again Arcite disguises himself as one of her servants and quickly becomes a part of Emily's household so he can be close to her once again. This is how Arcite was resourceful.
As you may know, third person will use third person pronouns such as he, she, it, and they. When a story has a narration in the third person, the narrator will be talking about other people. First person narration is when the narrator speaks about himself or herself, and second person narration is when the narrator is speaking directly to the readers or someone in the story, which is indicated by the use of the pronoun “you.” That said, there are two types of third person—third person limited and third person omniscient. Third person limited is when the narrator knows the thoughts of just a single character which is usually the main character. Third person omniscient is when the narrator knows the thoughts of all the characters and pretty much everything about everything--all situations.
idn :(( I am not smart
I tried it out for an hour still couldn't find it :(