To find out how they form
i stongly belive that "Lungs of the Earth" refers to the trees
Explanation: because trees act just like lungs
The Big Bang THEORY
They think an explosion occurred in space to create collisions between molecules. These collisions created the planets and life as we know it. They don't know where these molecules came from and it's never been proven, which completely debunks this theory for me.
Nucleic acids are the most important macromolecules for the continuity of life. They carry the genetic blueprint of a cell and carry instructions for the functioning of the cell.
the last part of interphase is called the G2 phase. The cell has grown, DNA has been replicated, and now the cell is almost ready to divide. This last stage is all about prepping the cell for mitosis or meiosis. During G2, the cell has to grow some more and produce any molecules it still needs to divide.