B; Boorish means rough or coarse. Chaucer (the author) is saying that the Knight had never been rude, bad-mannered, or mean to another person. He is of high order among the other characters but chooses to be kind instead.
Answer: trust
Abstract nouns refer to intangible things, like actions,feelings, ideals, concepts and qualities. Here, trust is used as a noun but is not a literal thing. It is abstract.
So, you can write 5 different pieces all on different genres and create it based on different life choices
think about how the person would be feeling and create the work on their feelings and expressions
hope it helps
Chief Justice John Marshall (1801-1835) expanded judicial powers the most, and answers argue that his contributions to the "concept of judicial review" (one answer argued that he created the concept) and establishment of a unified court opinion led to a Supreme Court.
Answer: True
In <em>The Grapes of Wrath</em>, Mae and Al run a diner on the way to California. On this particular day, a poor family came in and wanted to buy a loaf of bread for a dime. Mae replied that they do not sell bread as it was a diner not a grocery store and that the man should buy a sandwich instead which he could not afford.
In the end, after some prompting from her husband Al, she sells the loaf of bread to the man and shows an extra kindness to his children by underselling some candy to them.