1:Who was in the car?
2:What did you hit?
3:Have you drunk alcohol recently?
4:Have you ever smoked drugs?
5:Have you been in a car crash before?
6:What is your name?
7:Where were you going?
8:Does anything hurt?
9:How many fingers am i holding up?
10:Where have you come from?
11:Can i contact anyone?
12:Can you wiggle your fingers and toes?
13:Do you have any allergies?
14:Do you have any medical issues?
15:Does anybody know you were here?
16:Is anything numb?
17:Can you breathe easily?
18:Does your chest hurt?
19:Can you feel your face?
20:Does anything feel like it is burning?
George killed Lennie because Lennie accidentally killed Curley's wife by accidentally suffocating her. George knew that Lennie would be hunted down by Curley and his mob, thus he felt like he couldn't protect Lennie anymore. George believed that killing Lennie would help him suffer less then face the slow torture Curley would have inflicted on Lennie. I do believe this was justified.
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A harpsichord creates sound when strings are plucked.
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From Caramelo, by Sandra Cisneros
"A bungalow, a duplex, a brownstone, an apartment. Something, anything, because the Grandmother’s gloominess was the contagious kind, infecting every member of the household as fiercely as the bubonic plague".
The figurative language in lines 5 through 7 establishes a tone of
1) loneliness
Answer: 3)desperation
The description of the grandmother´s bad mood like something contagious as a plague shows the desperation the character feels in that situation. The grandmother being unhappy and therefore mean to those who live with her, pushes the narrator and everyone in that family to desperately find somewhere else for her to live.
Despite the slightly frightening description if you think about it, its dead accurate. Forgive me for the Martin Luther King moment but I have a dream, except my dream is much easier to peruse than Martin's dream and Its implied to all people. My dream is that every person who uses technology will think while he's using it. Let me explain, Technology in the bottom line, is a freaking tool. Used by us humans, you and me. We give it life and fuel it or we can use it as a byproduct. Every one of us have the option to do something we normally forget to do, which is to Think! Think before we post, before we upload, before we even choose to look at our phones, before we take pictures of everything, Just think. Don't throw stones if you live in a glass house or better yet don't live in a glass house. Your choice.