was a French explorer who is credited with the discovery of Little Rock, Arkansas. He was the first known French explorer to set foot in the future state of Oklahoma.
Ulysses S Grant played a significant part in guiding the Union army during the Civil War.
Military career of Grant started when he became a colonel of the 21st Illinois Volunteers at the start of the Civil War in April 1861. President Abraham Lincoln later made him a brigadier-general. His first great accomplishment came when his troops caught hold of Fort Donelson in Tennessee in February 1862. he established a reputation as a courageous leader when his forces seized a Confederate foothold, Vicksburg, Mississippi. later he was appointed as lieutenant-general and commanded all U.S. armies. His two most famous battles were the Battle of Chattanooga and the Battle of Shiloh.
From 1754, with the beginning of the French and Indian War, the population of the then British colonies in America began to acquire a feeling of national unity based on the common characteristics of the colonists, the culture of the colonies and the confrontation to a common enemy such as the French.
With the end of the war in 1763, the colonists understood that they did not need Great Britain to defend themselves from external threats, since the colonies alone had defeated the French. Then, added to this, the imposition by Parliament of a series of unfair taxes caused the colonists to rebel against Great Britain, considering themselves a different nation with its own idiosyncrasies.
This originated the beginning of the Revolutionary War, where the colonies embraced the liberal ideology to form a new nation, the United States of America.
Southeast Asia. This is mostly because of the war