Here are two examples : '' So Carnehan loaded the mules with the rifles that was taken off the camels, and together we starts forward into those bitter cold mountainous parts, and never a road broader than the back of your hand.''
'' My eye could detect no failure in the disguises. The scene in the Serai attested that they were complete to the native mind. There was just the chance, therefore, that Carnehan and Dravot would be able to wander through Afghanistan without detection.''
The action of Carnehan preparing things for his journey show that they are taking this adventure seriously and truly wish to accomplish their goal of becoming kings. Although they had trials and tribulations to face, they are stepping up to the plate and conquering them.
i would say knob
hope this helps:)sorry if it doesnt
plz mark brainliest
The verb given does agree with the subject of the sentence.
1: carry and portable. 2: father and paternal . 3: send and missile. 4: peace and pacifist. 5: come and convention 6: mother and maternal.