The lines that <span>support the idea that Macbeth does not want to tell his wife about Banquo's murder until after it has been done are the following:
</span><span>A."Be innocent of the knowledge, dearest chuck, / Till thou applaud the deed."
The lines mean - It's better for you not to know about this until you see the results.</span>
Samuel Langhorne Clemens (Mark Twain) uses a fine humor style which is easily detected in extracts like:
<em>"Thish-yer Smiley had a mare; the boys called the fifteen minute nag(...) for all she was so slow and always had the asthma, or the distemper or the consumption, or something of that kind."</em>
<em>"...And he had a little small bull pup, that to look at him you´d think he warn´t worth a cent(...) his underjaw´d begin to stick out like the fo´castle of a steamboat..."</em>
<em>"...He ketched a frog one day, and took him home, and said he cal´klated to edercate him(...) and you bet you he did learn him, too.</em>
Twain is satirizing several aspects of American life, but specially the country "punks" who tend to speak at length about subjects that are close to them but are really unimportant an nonsensical.
Using My context clues Vast means a Greatly extent or quality
So what you would need to do is go through your Text ( Book or whatever) and find a sentence meaning "very great extent or quantity" and then use that to form your sentense on how you figured it out USE context CLUESSS
<span>A central or a main idea is an idea around which your entire paper or essay or paragraph or whatever it is you're writing, revolves. You have a central idea that you're trying to convey and everything you write or say somehow relates to that idea and proves a point that you're trying to make.</span>
The correct option is B) “She had rested on the rock”. Helping verbs are verbs that help the main verb with its meaning and they also set the time of the verb. In this case, the helping verb “had” is helping the main verb “rested”. The auxiliary verb “had” is also setting the verb tense of the sentence, which is past perfect.
The other examples “paddled”, “went” and “swam” are action verbs that do not need a helping verb to extend or add meaning.