Cyrus the Great
In 539 BCE Cyrus invaded the Babylonian Empire, following the banks of the Gyndes (Diyala) on his way to Babylon
Cyrus’s most renowned act of mercy was to free the captive Jews, whom Nebuchadrezzar II had forced into exile in Babylon. Cyrus allowed them to return to their promised land. The Jews praised the Persian emperor in scripture as a savior to whom God gave power over other kingdoms so that he would restore them to Jerusalem and allow them to rebuild their Temple
Twice as long as every other chapter<span>, it first of the ratchets up on the tension of the </span>Gatsby<span>-Daisy-Tom triangle into a breaking point in a well being claustrophobic </span>scene<span> at the Plaza </span>Hotel<span>, and then ends with the grizzly gut of punch of Myrtle's death. </span><span />