This years saw an extreme transformation of the role of women in American society for several reasons. The first reason was the process of industrialization, which in turn led to the process of urbanization. As industrialization became more common in the United States, factories and large businesses began to be built. This made the process of manufacturing less physically demanding, allowing women and children to operate machinery. This gave women the chance of working outside of the home and earn independent wages, something that had been very uncommon in the past. Work and wages gave women a sense of independence.
On the other hand, urbanization also led to women's liberation. In rural contexts, women were more tightly controlled by their parents, and then their husbands. There were few activities outside of the home, and domesticity was the accepted norm. With urbanization came a different lifestyle. Women had disposable income and were able to enjoy what the city had to offer, such as private housing and certain types of entertainment (like theatre).
The changing role of women during these years led to a growing sense of independence and a desire for freedom and equality. This gave rise to movements such as the suffrage movement, and the movement for equal wages. Women were very important in the labor and reform movements of the following years. All of these events were very important to the development of feminism.
Winthrop believes that the new constitution controls the entirety of how the people under the law would function. He believes people can only function to a certain extent. There should be a different level of rules followed by the people.
Russia has part of its roots in European culture where the ideas of goodness, honor, and freedom are understood as in the West. The Viking raiders came from the North. Traders from Scandinavia also settled. They became the rulers of Rus, the city-principality of Kiev and forerunner of the Russian state. The other part of Russia has Asian roots. The Mongols, [Tartars] conquered Moscow in 1234 and Kiev in 1240, and ruled with despotism, invaders unstoppable, making Russians their slaves. Russian blood is a mixture of Slavic, Finnish, and Tatar. Kievan Rus had converted to Orthodox Christianity in 988. When Moscow liberated itself from the Tartar yoke in 1480, the modern Russian state was born. Distant from Europe, the new state was cut off from Constantinople which in 1453 had fallen to the Muslim Ottoman Turks.
The area is length times width=64m times 64m=4096 squar meters
an acre of land is 4096 square meters