<span>They are deisgned to Disentangle the effects of genetics and experience on behavioral traits.
In twin studies for example, most of the genetic traits that both twins have are almost identical. So, if they are separated and actually grow up to be people with different characteristics, we can conclude that behavior is formed because of the environment, not genetics.</span>
It's called the proboscis
Correct answer is option d. increased real returns to capital in France and increased real wages in Italy.
The Heckscher-Ohlin model demonstrates that the comparative advantage is determined by the interaction between a country's resources, the relative abundance of production factors, and technology. It is the interaction between abundance and intensity with which these resources are exploited the source of comparative advantages.
The Freedmen's Bureau provided food, housing and medical aid, established schools and offered legal assistance.
This case ruled to be unconstitutional for state officials to create school prayer or recitations in public schools because it violated the establishment clause.