Between the 1200 and 1450, the Sub-Saharan African region was thriving with trade.
Powerful Kingdoms such as Aksum existed in modern day Ethiopia and Sudan while other kingdoms Da'amat further south-west.
While the period was generally known for powerful Empires in Asia and the Middle East, the Sub Saharan countries were able to develop thriving trading business that included salt, agriculture products, salves etc.
Their biggest achievement was of maintaining sophisticated trading links between one another and minimal conflict.
It is TRUE that the cause of the Indian wars in the Pacific Northwest was mainly caused by broken treaties, which led to many deaths and Indians being forced into small reservations.
This is evident in the fact that the American government in their bid to use the land occupied by the native Americans in the Pacific Northwest of the United States or even any other area in the region, ask the native Americans to move to a new reservation with a promise of no trespassing on their lands or reservation.
However, many times, the US government tends to break this treaty, and war always eventually occurred as a result.
They experienced less racism to their skin color and slaves were more freed frequently.