Determine whether the following features belong to the storming of the Bastille or the execution of King Louis XVI. marked the e
nd of absolute monarchy in Franceconsidered the official beginning of the French Revolutionsymbolized the people’s protest and triumph against absolute monarchy
Execution of Louis IV – Marked the end of the absolute monarchy. Symbolized the people’s protest and triumph against absolute monarchy.
Storming of the Bastille – Considered the official beginning of the French Revolution.
The Bastille was the symbol of despotic and abusive power by the monarch in France. The storming of the Bastille was an event that occurred on July 17, 1789, marking the beginning of the French Revolution. The execution of King Louis IV marked the end of the abosolute monarchy that hurt so much the people of France and represented a triumph against the absolute power that created poverty and hunger conditions in France.