C. Happy people are more likely to send a lot of tweets than sad people
- If the researcher wants to find out the relationships between the tweets and the happiness of the people and he comes to a conclusion that a positive correlation exists as the number of the people that are happier are more likely to send more tweets than those of the sad people and thus concluded that a strong correlation exists when people give more tweets are considered or reported to be happy.
Answer: Pertinent
Pertinent describes the degree to which a play addresses both of-the-moment and timeless audience concerns. That meeans relevant or applicable to the particular matter.
The weight is different on the moon but mass is the same don’t get those two confused
a. an aristrocacy and a democracy
Aristocracy refers to the rule by elite citizens. Democracy is a form of government in which all eligible citizens have an equal say on their rights
Marx's theory relies on economic determinism and takes into account material possibilities while Weber also considers culture and politics into economy.
Marx's communist theory relied on material and class claims on which the theory and economics is based around.
Marx was not aiming to create a fool proof theory of economics but making a societal point through focus on materialism.
Contrasted with Weber who can be termed an early economist. Weber was very much in an attempt to develop something along the lines of an economic theory in which culture and politics are also emphasized upon.
The influence of culture and politics on economics was his lasting work.