Some argue that American rule in the Philippine Islands will result in the better education of the Filipinos. Be not deceived .... (We) dare not educate them lest they learn to read the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of the United States and mock us for our inconsistency .
... (A) war of conquest is as unwise as it is unrighteous .... It is not necessary to own people in order to trade with them ....
Imperialism finds no warrant in the Bible. The command, "Go ye into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature," has no Gatling gun
attachment. ..
In mid-July, President Harry S Truman was notified of the successful test of the atomic bomb, what he called “the most terrible bomb in the history of the world.” Thousands of hours of research and development as well as billions of dollars had contributed to its production.
They both are democratic systems
the did this by joing the un
William Penn wanted believers from all creeds of Christianity to live and worship freely in his colony.
There isn't only one type of Christianity that every Christian believes in - there is Catholicism, Orthodox Christianity, Lutheranism, Baptism, and many more. He wanted people of all of these creeds to live happily and freely together.