One reason we are more free today is we have more technology which gives us the capability to freely talk to one another and express our ideas in a public forum.
The second reason is that frequently things like minimum wage go up making it so workers are being able to bring in more of a living.
One reason we are less free now is also based on technology our privacy is basically nonexistent in modern times the government can look into your searches your pictures use your cameras and use street cameras everywhere to keep tabs on people whether or not we think it we have very little privacy.
The second reason is politically when it comes to voting a single persons voice is rarely heard nay a single counties voice is rarely heard for instance in the past election NY the majority of counties voted red but the larger ones voted blue so NY was a blue state. On the flip side though Hillary Clinton won the popular vote and yet Donald Trump won the election which is yet another way it happened.
The US has to have policy to declare war. Right now Trump took an aggressive step to send a message to Syria with the world ears especially Russia and Iran to draw a RED LINE on what will provoke the US to use any and all means to prevent chemical use.
Congress votes to declare war but the President as commander and chief can act on his own wearing that hat. It it is not a. Act of war unless Congress votes it so,
So important yet blurred with drone strikes. Limited "messaging" air strikes. It tends to be more semantics.
Florida has established many state parks that function as preserves.The state parks are managed by the Florida Department of Environmental Protection . Restoration projects are in place in many parts of the state. Wetlands are being reestablished. This is done by removal of invasive plants, creation of marshes, and excavation of additional open water ponds. Even young people can help with Florida's water challenge. They can help by taking shorter showers and turning on and off the water when brushing their teeth.