<span>Robert Merton used the term dysfunctions for the harmful consequences of people's actions.
According to Merton, functions (people's actions_ in society can either be functional (positive) or dysfunctional (negative). Here, we are focusing on dysfunctions- harmful consequences of people's actions. Dysfunctions in turn can either be manifest (obvious and expected) or latent (hidden and unintended). A manifest (expected) dysfunction is rowdy behavior at a football game, whereas, a latent (hidden) dysfunction is the effect of urbanization on an endangered bird species.
D, all of the above. Employees and employers have to pay into social security.
The answer is 1. classical conditioning.
Classical conditioning refers to the association of a conditioned stimulus (the alcohol in this case) with an unconditioned stimulus (the pain produced by the vaccinations), thus provoking an conditioned response (fear).
Russian scientist Ivan Pavlov is famous for his research on classical conditioning. In one experiment, he would ring a bell every time he was going to feed a dog. Soon, the dog started salivating at the sound of the bell.