was a political and religious leader best remembered for his strong stance on the separation of church and state and founding the colony of Rhode Island
Amo canum et felium et ludos
Answer:Peer Pressure Kept Them From the Party
Ghoul and ghost were way up high on a walnut tree limb.
Owl flew up, intending to go to the haunted house, straight in.
Jack-o-lantern head saw his friends, and climbed up to join them.
What are we doing here? He asked his friends in a whisper slim.
We’re scared of the party, Owl said as he took a bumpy limb seat.
Skeleton came outside the house and tried to entice them with a treat.
But the four stayed up there the entire Halloween night.
None could get over their intense peer pressure fright.
Sub-questions are narrower questions. They are important because they provide the 'skeleton' around which you will find information to answer your main research question.