Hayyyy My b-day is February 13<3
yeshhhhhhhhhhhhhhh but i get no chocolate nor and stuff animals sadly anywazzzzzzz yea dats it
The per capita income can not reflect the true state of economic development because if the income of a particular group have increased or have become rich and the income of other groups remain the same, it will reflect an increase in the per capita income.
human development
Human development refers to the process of enhancing the freedoms and possibilities of people and working to improve their well-being. It is about the real independence that ordinary people have in deciding what they want to do, and how they want to live their life. It provides people the opportunity to lead a life they value. In other words, improving people's capabilities and allowing them opportunities to use them.
The correct answer is Innovators developed a process to produce steel inexpensively.
The Second Industrial Revolution was born with scientific and technological progress that occurred in England, France and the United States, around the second half of the 19th century.
The discovery and use of new energy sources - oil (in the combustion engine), water (in hydroelectric plants), uranium (for nuclear energy), have further revolutionized industrial production. The list of inventions and discoveries is huge, which represented greater comfort for the human being.