The Berlin Wall (in German, Berliner Mauer, pronounced / (listen)) was a security wall that formed part of the inter-German border from August 13, 1961 until November 9, 1989. It surrounded and separated the area of the Berlin city framed in the economic space of the Federal Republic of Germany (RFA), West Berlin, of the capital of the German Democratic Republic (GDR) between those years.It is the best known symbol of the Cold War and of the division of Germany.This wall was referred to in the GDR as "Antifascist Protection Wall" (Antifaschistischer Schutzwall) and by the media and part of Western public opinion as "wall of shame" (Schandmauer
The Eastern Bloc dominated by the Soviets argued that the wall was built to protect its population from fascist elements that conspired to prevent the popular will to build a socialist state in East Germany.
A 45-kilometer wall divided the city of Berlin into two, while another 115 kilometers surrounded its western part, isolating it from the GDR. That is, the Wall was the state border between the GDR and the West Berlin enclave. It was one of the best known symbols of the Cold War and the separation of Germany.
Teotihuacan is an ancient Mesoamerican city located 30 miles (50 km) northeast of modern-day Mexico City. ... By the time the Aztecs found the city in the 1400s and named it Teotihuacan (meaning “the place where the gods were created”), the city had been abandoned for centuries.
Pros: Harding’s presidency was overshadowed by the criminal activities of some of his cabinet members and other government officials, although he himself was not involved in any wrongdoing. An Ohio native and Republican, Harding was a successful newspaper publisher who served in the Ohio legislature and the U.S. Senate. In 1920, he won the general election in a landslide, promising a “return to normalcy” after the hardships of World War I (1914-1918).
Cons: After Harding’s death, the Teapot Dome Scandal and other instances of corruption came to light, damaging his reputation. Pretty much his reputation got destroyed when he died.
The Catholic Church sold indulgence's to the citizen's, therefore missionaries we're paid with the money that the people bought with the indulgence's. 2. Missionaries helped the Catholic Church respond in hopes of growing and overthrowing the pope.
The Treaty of Versailles
In 1919, a little under a year after a ceasefire was ordered, the countries in the war (besides the Central Powers converged to formulate an armistice to "bring everlasting peace", and form the terms of the peace treaty imposed upon the nations of the Central Powers, including the break up of the German Empire, Austro-Hungarian Empire, and acquisition of many Ottoman Empire territories, forming independent nations, and establishing overseas territories for the victorious nations (think British Palestine, Japanese Qingdao, etc). This was all signed on 28 June 1919.