Answer: Standard deviation
Standard deviation is expressing the quality of how much group members differ from mean value for the group.
The assumptions that can be made from this statement are:
1. The individual's bone was strongest from front to back.
2. The individual was physically active
If behaviors and characteristics of individuals during their lifetimes are determined through studying bones, it means
*The individual's bone was strongest from front to back - overall, human bone strength has declined dramatically over the past 10, 000 years. However there is significant variation between population showing the localised nature of the shift from foraging to farming
*The individual was physically active - the elongated shape of the bone shows that this person was physically active in life
True. We all share characteristic by the way we live in our environment and where we live.
According to the above passage, the Korean war was started by Americans.
The above passage addresses Americans as an enemy and invaders, which suggests that the passage is taken from the textbook of North Korea.
In the given passage, Americans are held responsible for starting the Korean war by first bombing on the North on June 25th. The passage also gives details that Americans were preparing for war for a long time, and when they got a chance they bombed the area. They crawled the 38th parallel, a line that kept North Korea and South Korea divided.
Therefore, the answer to the question is that Americans, according to this passage, started the Korean War.