I wanna say coal? I am so sorry if it's wrong.
Explanation below.
Global issues can be described as the problems or issues that most of the countries of the world are facing.
For example, terrorism is now common in all continents of the world and it is rendering many people homeless and subsequently affecting the economy of the affected countries. Examples of the terrorist groups are Boko haram in Africa, ISIS in Asia among others.
Refugees are the people that have been displaced from their original abode and in need of where they can stay peaceful. This could be as a result of act of terrorism, natural disasters or war.
An ethnic group is a group of individuals that share many things in common, such as language, culture and probably found in a particular geographic zone. Examples are Hispanic, Latino, Efik, Ibibio and so on.
There are many unrest or chaos that have developed between two ethnic groups especially on boundary issues.
Ranching, farming, language, food and religion.
Ranching was practiced by the Spanish that were settle in Texas is responsible for the cattle industry present today that contributed in the economy of the Texas. The Spanish also introduced a unique type of farming in the valley of San Antonio that were not present before in Texas. They also introduces their language, food and religion that is also practiced in Texas today.
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