You need to put up a picture
<span>During the twentieth century, absolute date was added to the relative time scale. </span>Geologic time scale uses both relative and absolute dating techniques. <span>Soon after the discovery of radioactivity, geologists used radioactive isotope decay to develop a method for determining absolute ages of rocks</span>
<span>The calculated to surface area for red blood cells by Gorter and Grendel found to be 36u2.
The surface area that would be covered once they spread across the surface of the water is 72u2.
If they spread across the surface area will double. This is because the lipid bilayer with phospholipid the head faces the water on each surface of the membrane.
It clearly shows that there must be more to membranes than lipid bilayer because membranes grew and the surface tension of membranes is much lower than those of pure lipid structures.</span>
An unfertilized egg is shed from the body during menstruation. The lining of the uterus become thicker, getting ready in case of pregnancy.
It is not a fun experience :(