For me personally, I would want the backstory to be a girl who came out to her parents but they didn't except her but the she found a girl and yeah all the stuff. How about you?
Answer: According to the CBC Antibiotic Resistance Threats in the US, 2013, in the last paragraph of page 13 authors claim that most antibiotic-resistant infections occur in general community, however, most deaths occur in healthcare settings, such as hospitals and nursing homes. This idea is reinforced on paragraph 1 page 62, where it is clearly explained that bacteria like Campylobacter spreads from animals to humans through food, such as uncooked or raw meat, unpasteurized milk, animal contact, and contaminated water. So the antibiotics used on animals can turn into this resistant bacteria which spreads to animals. Therefore most infections take place in general community thanks to the factors named above.
(sorry if i'm wrong)
We need the rest of the question
because it doesn't have a prefix or suffix hooked to the word