You mean the movie? I don't know about the move, but if you wan't to know about connotation, it is like an implied meaning of a sentence. For example, the sentence " Wow, Angie is such a know it all" . Connotation the implied meaning. It is not the dictionary definition. The meaning of know it all is someone who is smart, but If you say that about someone, you might hurt their feelings. Do you get it?
ofc, here's some pro tips in general that'll work for any subject, if you inform me on the subject i could probably go deeper into it.
1. Always stay on the main topic. Repeat it as much as you want, as much as you need too! If it's about English or History, make sure give you direct years and dates that'll fill up the paper more.
2. Make sure you give multiple and factual details. Go all out! Reword things, search topics, do as much as you need to to fill up that document.
3. Give fun facts. Fun facts are an amazing way to take up more space on a paper. Fun facts not only bring people in, but also can quickly get the job done.
4. Don't make too many paragraphs. On my 500+ worded essay, I made 5 paragraphs and left it at that, I advise you to do the same. I have 5 different things going on in each paragraph so it's not the same dandy thing, but make sure if you take that route that you're still talking about the main topic of your essay. Don't get sidetracked!
5. Try to use 2 words with one meaning (like how people use words like "helping-hand" put a space between those if you're typing it so it'll register as 2 words, or make professional and long words to make it look like a larger sentence. Yes it still counts as one word technically, but hey ya might get some extra points!
Really hope this helped, and I could help a ton more if you need, just reply to this and I'll see what I can do :)))
The answer is
B. We remember her wisdom. We appreciate her sacrifice. We praise her efforts.
Hope this helps :^)
The author of Beowulf is an anonymous Anglo-Saxon poet. He lived in England during the time of the writing of Beowulf. It is estimated that Beowulf was written between the eighth and the eleventh century. The story is set in modern-day Scandinavia. Beowulf comes from the Geats, a region in Sweden. He visited Hrothgar, the king of the Danes - modern-day Denmark. Beowulf had heard that there was a monster attacking Hrothgar so he went to help Hrothgar defeat the monster.
just count the snowflakes in color order