(I'm guessing "loonas" does not mean black)
as you can see in the picture 25% is ll or black
Any process that exerts a stress on a rock that eventually causes it to break into smaller fragments is a type of mechanical weathering.
Endocrine gland - a group of cells that secretes substances into the blood or directly into an organ.
Differ from exocrine glands, endocrine glands have no ducts and secrete products (hormones) directly into blood.
Hormone - a substance produced by cells that helps specific groups of cells to perform specific functions. It is a product of endocrine gland which functions as chemical messengers to stimulate other cells.
Duct – a channel or tube that conveys a substance. It is part of the exocrine glands (such as salivary glands) which makes contact with surface .
As the head organ in the body which controls, monitors, supervises and influences the different organ system in the body and of the individual -characteristics, personality, traits, cognition, perception, intelligence, sensation and motor responses. The brain controls the endocrine system by its part, located somwhere in the medial temporal lobe called the hypothalamus, the master gland of the body. The hypothalamus influences every gland secretion and hormonal function that preceeds and proceeds in the body of an organism -growth, drives, sex, survival and etc.
The hypothalamus sends sgnals from the different gland organs in the body that either exhibits or inhibits the activity of that particular gland releasing hormone.