i think it is The South traded goods with Europe and throughout the Caribbean, and the North traded exclusively with the South.
The South (especially the slaves) did most of the labor-intensive work and the North did the work that required education.
False bourgeoisie only referred to the upper middle class, like well-to-do merchants
The Mongols were a nomadic tribe to the north of China. They shared the mountainous areas between China and Siberia with many other such tribes, many of them Turkic.
Indians utilized peacefulness to accomplish their objectives. Gandhi sorted out a crusade of noncooperation with the British. It depended on common insubordination to treacherous laws. Gandhi requested that Indians quit purchasing British merchandise, going to British schools, paying British duties, or voting in British-run races. He influenced his adherents to take these activities while not utilizing savagery. Indians despised a British law that constrained them to purchase salt just from the administration. Gandhi sorted out an enormous walk to the ocean to make salt by dissipating ocean water. This activity was known as the Salt March.
if it is primarily against one body or people
Bias means it speaks factually bias means its an opinion on the situation against a certain group regardless