Personally I don't believe that the domestic communists in the US endangered the security of the ordinary Americans. I believe that Senator Joe McCarthy went on a witch hunt because of the concerns of the large corporations and them worrying about their security, not of the average American. In fact, true communists or socialists only want better working and living conditions for the downtrodden in this case of the US citizens so far from being a threat to their security they are fighting for increased security for those people. An international example is the country of Viet Nam which is a communist or socialist government but which threatens no one and is a peaceful, successful country as opposed to the hysteria of the 1960's and 1970's about the communists of North Vietnam.
Well, all prophets are also Messengers, Prophets send messages from god, therefore makes them a messenger too. A prophet's role is to deliver the words and wisdom of god to the people who are unaware of gods power and greatness.
For an example, there is Prophet Muhammad (Sallalhu alahi was salam) he was the greatest prophet/Messenger to ever walk the face of this earth, he delivered speeches and lectures to the people to turn to god before it was too late and he was just an amazing guy, the noblest and most beneficial person to ever speak words of Wisdom.I hope I've helped and thank you for visiting Brainly!
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Hope this helps
The common housefly is a flying insect that is found throughout the world. The genus and species of the housefly is Musca domestica.
Anatomy: Like all insects, the housefly has a body divided into three parts (head, thorax, and abdomen), a hard exoskeleton, and six jointed legs. Flies also have a pair of transparent wings. The Housefly can taste using its its feet and with its mouthparts.