... termed "hypotonic," meaning less solids (or more diluted) than inside the cell. For fluid movement in/out of cells, water will diffuse (via osmosis) from the hypotonic solution to the hypertonic one, assuming a permeable barrier (i.e. cell membrane) allows it. With this case, water will flow into the cell from outside.
I think it’s erosion... not sure what you’re asking
Circulatory system;<span>The circulatory </span>system<span> circulates blood through the </span>body<span>, </span>supplies<span> cells with </span>oxygen<span> and </span>nutrients<span> and</span>removes waste<span> products. Organs: heart, arteries, veins. ... The respiratory </span>system supplies<span> blood with
</span>oxygen<span> in the lungs and </span>removes<span> carbon dioxide.</span>
Emotion is one of the responses of an organism (whole) which
involves physiological arousal. Other than indicating emotion, physiological
arousal or heightened physiological activity is modernly used in polygraphs.
Polygraphs or lie detector notes changes in blood pressure, pulse, respiration
while the subject is asked and answers questions. It is based on the assumption
that dishonest answers are indicated with physiological arousal.
Answer: i dont understand it....