Bees go out of the hive in search of flowers with nectar by sensing static electric zaps with there small hairs. When they do find a flower they land and start sucking up the nectar in the process pollen falls on their coat and they carry it to the next flower to suck nectar from. the nectar is brought back to the hive inside the bees and is thrown up as honey wich the lave eat and if a lave is to become a queen they are fed royal jelly. <span>Royal jelly is a white secretion produced by young female worker </span>bees<span>. It is comprised of pollen and chemicals from the glands of worker </span>bees.
<span>Infants grow about 3/4 inch per month during the first year, increasing their birth length by about 40 percent by their first birthday. Thus, the answer to the question is 3/4 inch during the first year upon giving birth of the mother.</span>
Light is the energy source for plants synthesis of simple sugar in plants.
because our body needs six main nutrients to function normally