because no plans, sanitary codes, or building regulations controlled the rampant growth of English cities, the poor lacked adequate housing and many were forced to live in dark, filthy, overcrowded slums under unhealthy and unsafe conditions
debt increase
high taxes
workhouses: conditions were bad
inadequate housing: no plans/sanitary codes/building regulation
more jobs
closer to jobs
workhouses: since govt wanted to make sure people feared workhouses, families were split, poor wore uniforms, everyone had to work, etc.
Culturally, the medieval era was dominated by the church which emphasized human beings' lowliness in contrast to the greatness and holiness of God. The church remained strong in the Renaissance, but humanists of the Renaissance emphasized the God-given capabilities of human beings, created to do great things. And so, many great things were done by energetic and imaginative human beings of the Renaissance -- in art, architecture, literature, science, etc.
Socially, politically, and economically, medieval life focused on feudalism and agricultural life. The people lived on lands owned by the great landowners (the nobility), and the political power centered in the hands of those nobles. Economic value was tied to land ownership and agricultural production. In the Renaissance, cities rose to prominence. Banking and trade and budding industries became new ways of generating wealth, social status, and political power.
Hinduism is the oldest religious philosophy still practiced today. And Buddhism made its appearance a few hundred years later, having its roots in Hinduism.
Buddhism and Hinduism are similar in that they both believe in reincarnation.
Buddhism and Hinduism are similar in that they both use meditation.
Buddhism and Hinduism are similar in that they both avoid attachment. Both Buddhists and Hindus practice non-attachment. This is mainly focused on material things and people. His belief is that attachment to material things will result in reincarnation. What to try to avoid. Therefore, both Hindus and Buddhists try to live spiritually. Avoiding attachment to the material world.
Among the differences that we can point out between these two models of philosophy and religion, it starts at a fundamental point. Hinduism believes in deities, Buddhism does not. In Buddhism, while after death what survives is the mind, in Hinduism, it is the soul.
Furthermore, when in meditation, the Buddhist aims to clear his mind, calming it down and establishing a moment of silence and peace, the Hinduist seeks, in this process, to reach a state of superior, transcendental mind.
African americans cuz back in the south where racism began us whites thought we were better than colored people so we stole them to be our slaves, and do OUR labor