In Christopher Marlowe's The Tragical History of Doctor Faustus, why did Faustus begin to believe that human salvation was impos
sible? Faustus first began to believe that human salvation was impossible because:
[he felt God always hate him because of his sins and punish him]
[he felt he had committed too many sins and so his soul could not be saved]
[he read the scripture and saw that all human beings sin and are D word]
[he felt ashamed to ask God for mercy and suffered from depression]
In addition, he had:
[been misled by Mephastophills, who caused him to misread the scriptures]
[offered the blood of children to gain his power and felt his sin was unforgivable]
[been disgusted by the pettiness of human nature]
[been tricked into practicing witchcraft by Valdes and Cornelius and felt it D word his soul]