Monmouth university
west king branch,NJ
Michigan state university east lansing, MI
University of Massachusetts amherst amherst, MA
university of California- irvine
irvine, CA
Oregon state university
corvallis, OR
whites where the fastest growing population
Democracy is a form of government in which the rulers are elected by the people.
Occurs in a real-world setting.
When a researcher questions something that requires observation of an animal in the real world it is important that nothing happens that may change the behavior of the animal that is being observed. This affects the quality of the research as it is influenced by outside factors.
Here, Dr. Sanjay is observing how often strangers approach one another at the park on weekend afternoons. People are interacting the way they would if he was not present. This makes the observation in the real-world setting valid.
It relies on professionals which are costly, it is expensive not every organization can afford this. Moreover it is difficult to interpret.