In a response to public outcry over the Internal Revenue Service’s (IRS) extent and abuse of power, the Federal government has d
ecided to disband the IRS in favor of creating a new administrative agency to oversee taxation. As a business owner, what steps might you be able to take to ensure there are control’s and limits to the agency’s power? How does this compare with the controls available to branches of the government?
As business or company owner there’s a good need to have legal and litigation team comprising of solicitors general, Auditors, and forensic risk manager who can help out in any needs relating to IRS notices and undue Harassment by official legally and prive their warrants to be false.
One must invest in strong compliance teams and establish stringent framework to comply with and pursue ethical audit requirements to avoid any ambiguity or IRS agencies investigation.
However various branches of government can raid businesses with strong evidence or information about any unscrupulous activities and can ask for investigation and further joint inquiries.
If business owner doesn't agree to any allegation he may seek help from legal team regarding charge sheet issued and avail various counseling benefits to avoid loss of brand image and punitive damages.
There should be two outside independent observers or
two outside judges on the other words, that must agree and believe that the
definition captures the important characteristics of the target behavior in
order for a behavioral definition to possess social validity.
Municipal Bonds are attractive in that they give the tax benefit of being tax exempt whereas a corporate bond is liable for taxation. The tax rate that will therefore make an investor indifferent between the two bonds is the one that will equate the Corporate bond's yield net of tax to the yield on the Municipal bond.