1. Development of naval mines and torpedoes- These weapons developed by the Confederate lead to the sinking of 40 different Union ships. These weapons would be used in several different wars after this (including World War I).
2. Communication via the telegraph- The telegraph was created in 1844 by Samuel Morse. The Civil War became the first US war that used this technology. This allowed Lincoln to get much quicker updates on the war and allowed the media to report the news faster to citizens.
3. Development of the Army ambulance corp This allowed for wounded soldiers to be recovered and treated quickly when injured in battle. This structure is still used in warfare today, as their are constantly doctors and other medical professionals nearby to help injured soldiers.
Writing began to disappear and the standardized weights and measures used for trade and taxation fell out of use. Scholars have put forth differing theories to explain the disappearance of the Harappans, including an Aryan Invasion and climate change marked by overwhelming monsoons.
There were several factors that moved America towards independence from Britain. They are as followed:
1) The development of an American culture- Even though the colonists were still part of Great Britain during the 18th century, many of these individuals were natives of the colonies and had never even been to Great Britain before. This is a huge transformation from when settlers came here originally to find freedom from religious persecution during the early 16th and17th centuries.
2) Colonists being forced to into wars they did not want to fight in- The British army was constantly fighting with other European powers like France in North America. This resulted in colonists being part of wars they did not want to be in (like the French and Indian War).