The correct answer is B)An increase in jobs.
When Franklin D. Roosevelt took over the presidency America was facing the worst economic depression in our history. Unemployment rates were close to 25%, banks were closing because they ran out of money, and millions of Americans were effected by the Stock Market Crash of 1929. All of these factors left American citizens without hope. To uplift these individuals and improve the morale, FDR addressed this issue in his inaugural address. In this address, he discusses the problems the nations faced and in this particular excerpt he focuses on how increased jobs need to be a priority for his administration.
A) Linkage Institutions
I just got done answering this question and got it right.
1.melody short phrases, large leaps
Towards the end of the past century composers as Steve Reich La Monte Young, Philip Glass, they began to explore what is now called minimalism, in which the music is stripped down to its most fundamental features; the music often features repetition and iteration. An early example is Terry Riley's In C from 1964, perhaps a random work in which short phrases are chosen by the musicians from a set list and played an arbitrary number of times, while the note C is repeated in quavers behind them. Philip Glass works are on the most representative perhaps also featuring as soundtracks of movies.
2, harmony mixed meter
This caused a very new sensation with an extreme irregular rhytm. While time signatures usually express a regular pattern of beat stresses continuing through a piece (sometimes a section), sometimes composers place a different time signature at the beginning of each bar, resulting in music with an extremely irregular rhythmic feel.
Examples;Promenade -- Modest Mussorgsky's Pictures at an Exhibition (1874) The opening already shows signs of this implement
3· rhythm atonality
Atonality first began as a pejorative term to condemn music in which chords were organized seemingly with no apparent coherence. the term describes music that does not conform to the system of tonal hierarchies that were traditionally seen in classical European music between the 1700's and 1900'a centuries Example; ending Schoenberg's "George Lieder" Op. 15/1
4.dynamics extremes
some pieces started to use additional markings of further emphasis. Extreme dynamic markings introduced an extreme range of loudness, or, and sometimes accompanied with very small differences of loudness within a normal range, this huge change was made possible with the orchestration of the work, usually using many loud instruments like brass and percussion playing at once. It became more widespread in late 1900s.
Hello to answer your question fully.
<span>C. the right to vote
Signed by,</span>
Frequent Answerer Sargedog
The ideas of the Enlightenment influenced American colonists like Benjamin Franklin and Thomas Jefferson because they read the works of Enlightenment thinkers and adopted similar views on politics and society. Political philosophers of the Enlightenment believed that using reason will guide us to the best ways to operate in order to create the most beneficial conditions for society. This included a conviction that all human beings have certain natural rights which are to be protected and preserved. The Enlightenment ideal was that individual freedom and equal rights and opportunity for all would be promoted and protected. Each individual's well-being (life, health, liberty, possessions) should be served by the way government and society are arranged. The American founding fathers accepted these Enlightenment views and acted on them.
Further detail / example:
John Locke, in his Second Treatise on Civil Government (1690), had expressed the idea of natural rights in the words that follow. Notice the similarities to what was later stated in the American colonists' <em>Declaration of Independence</em> (1776).
- <em>The state of nature has a law of nature to govern it, which obliges every one: and reason, which is that law, teaches all mankind, who will but consult it, that being all equal and independent, no one ought to harm another in his life, health, liberty, or possessions… (and) when his own preservation comes not in competition, ought he, as much as he can, to preserve the rest of mankind, and may not, unless it be to do justice on an offender, take away, or impair the life, or what tends to the preservation of the life, the liberty, health, limb, or goods of another.</em>