The king believed he was the only one who could cope with monsters.
King Hrothgar made an offer to Beowulf. If he consented to slaughter Grendel's mother, he would receive a jeweled sword, 7,000 hides, land, a hall, and his own reign.
<h3>Who is Grendels' Mother?</h3>
Grendel's mother was a 'aglaec-wif,' or 'female warrior.' There is no necessity to inject the concept of monstrosity or suffering here any more than there is in line 1519, when she is referred to as merewif, which simply means "water-woman," or "woman of the mere."
Grendel's mother depicts the perils that await anybody who ventures into the unknown, whether in the world or within oneself.
Learn more about Beowulf:
The barter system, being the most efficient and simple came to be employed in Ancient Egypt. It must be noted, that barter means exchange, or something in return for another. No standard form of currency or coin or paper money was in use at the time. In Egypt, the barter method worked like this.
The Department of Homeland Security is a Cabinet position that was created in 2002, out of response to the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001.
The correct answer to this open question is the following.
President Eisenhower could have had a better role in the Red Scare issue. Wisconsin Republican Senator Joseph McCarthy's witch-hunt involved people that worked in the federal government and the US military. President Eisenhower, as the leader of the nation and head of the executive branch, had the power and faculty to ask McCarthy for valid arguments and to prove his accusations. Because in the end, McCarthy's accusations could not be proven but what he did was to ruin many people's reputation.
- Hitler tried it. How far did he get? Hitler never got to Moscow let alone further inland. Russia offers the following problems.
- It has a vast area to conquer.
- It has a good working industrial base. During WWII, Russia had that Industrial Base up and running. The problem from their point of view was that America's was better. I don't think that that's true now.
- Russia has an adequate army, air force and navy. Hitler relied on Blitzkrieg (which he thought he could conquer Russia quickly. It didn't turn out that way). which simply would not work on the Russian terrain. Many of Hitler's soldiers froze to death because he could not supply them with winter clothing. It would be that much harder now.
Answer: don't try it. It is better to wage economic war, but that seems like a poor idea to me. Russia's currency is in pretty good shape. Can you say the same about the American dollar?