Think of all the foreign trade between the hundreds of countries, usually separated by ocean or river...Also, most famously, boats use waterways as transportation for people!
prevent them from interfering with state courts
- The constitution limits the jurisidiction of the federal court so as to prevent its interferance to state courts.
- Section two of article three of the constitution, defines the jurisidiction of the federal court in terms of its scope and the cases it can handle. This prevents a possible collision between the state and federal laws.
- The constitution,has been amended over time by the congress to limit the jurisdiction of the federal court.
A consequence of selling land to individuals was that money, rather than Puritan church membership, became the prerequisite for land acquisition.
New England developed differently than the other colonies because there was initially a very devout focus on the Puritan ideals so later colonists from England tended to settle in the middle colonies and in the South. In the early colonial days, the settlements in New England were usually fishing villages or farming hamlets along the rivers where there was more fertile land. The general population of New England was highly literate compared to other colonial communities because individual study of the bible was important. The soil in the New England Colonies was not as fertile as further south. There was however an abundance of timber to use in construction and for export back to England, where there was a shortage of wood. In addition, the furs from wildlife were also traded and became a commodity. Land was abundant and relatively inexpensive initially. There evolved a population of wealthy merchants who built water-powered textile mills along the rivers which led to early industrialization in this region.
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A successful college experience can be described as the one in which a person is able to enhance his/her interest in a particular field. The teachers are excellent who help then to endure knowledge and make the experience memorable. Successful college life is the one in which a person is not only able to gain knowledge on his/her chosen subject courses, but also develops his personality and becomes a better human being. College life is very important in shaping a person.