Distance is 3717 kilometers or 2309 miles or 2007 nautical milesThe distance is the theoretical air distance
(great circle distance). Flying between the two locations' airports can
be a different distance, depending on airport location and actual route
I would say it formed the Himalaya's.
According to James Marcia, a person who has examined her values and choices, and who has committed to a specific role, value, or ideology is in Achievement status/adolescence stage of identity status.
A term originating from the psychosocial theory of development that describes adolescents' exploration of and commitment to values, beliefs and roles.
In Achievement status, individual has attained a coherent and committed identity supported personal decisions. This is often a protracted process and isn't often achieved by the tip of adolescence.
Identity status is assessed as identify achievement, foreclosure, moratorium, or confusion. Those that are classified as identity achieved have experienced a period of questioning and exploration, and have made occupational and ideological commitments.
To know more about Identity status here
The conflict between Israel and Egypt over the Sinai Peninsula is an
example of boundary exchange through territoriality. The Sinai peninsula
has been part of Egypt from the First Dynasty of ancient Egypt. Israel
invaded and occupied Sinai during the Suez Crisis of 1956, and during
the Six-Day war of 1967.
Because of the fertile soil and the amount of wheat they produced