Elie Wiesel is quite emphatic about the cruelty of the Nazis. At the same time, he holds a great deal of anger towards Jewish individuals who failed to speak out and act in a manner that defied indifference. Throughout Night, we see instances where the cruelty and dehumanization the Nazis showed towards Jewish individuals, similar treatment is shown with Jewish individuals towards one another.
Greek lesson time! (Well, not really. The words are so commonly used it might as well be considered English now.) Anyway, let’s examine what each of these terms means. Aristotle referred to orators when he spoke about persuasion, so let’s assume that there is some random anonymous speaker anxiously standing nearby who I will refer to.
Ethos pertains to the credibility of the speaker.
Pathos refers to the emotional appeal of the speaker.
Logos concerns the logic of the speaker.
But how does web design relate to all of this? Well, a website, much like our random, anxious, anonymous, and non-existent orator, is a communication vessel. Now let’s look at ethos, pathos, and logos again and translate them into web design speak.
Answer: mp
Explanation: In the piece "Dona Nobis Pacem" by the Orquesta Sinfónica de Galicia, the director of the orchestra marks a dynamic of mp at minute 9. "mp" in music means to play "mezzo piano" (which means moderately quiet), so when the piece is in a very intense place because the orchestra is playing <em>forte</em> (strongly), the director indicates to moderately decrease the volume of the instruments.