A first-line manager for a fast food restaurant would be responsible for the day-to-day activities such as placing orders for food and paper supplies and supervising employees, as well as setting up the weekly work schedules for those employees.
Living in the United States, we're accustomed to hearing about regions. For instance, when I say I live in the Northeast, fellow Americans can probably surmise I reside in a place with snowy winters. They might not be able to guess my exact state, but if given a chance between Pennsylvania and Florida, I'm guessing they'll choose the right answer.
Like us, other continents also use regions to classify areas. Today, we're going to discuss one such region as we dive into the history, culture, and politics of the Andes and Pampas, a region way to our south that encompasses much of western and southern South America.
Despite the fact that the Andes and Pampas go together like peanut butter and jelly in most discussions of South America, there are some real differences between the two. First of all, they have striking differences in geography. For instance, the Andes Mountains are a huge mountain chain. Covering much of the West Coast of the continent, it encompasses Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, Chile, and even part of Argentina.
Very opposite from the rugged Andes are the Pampas. Keeping things simple, the Pampas are the grasslands of South America. These famous grasslands cover parts of Argentina, Paraguay and Uruguay.
Emergency response systems are means for emergency response teams to locate and move resources to emergency sites.
When a person needs care the first to do is to activate the emergency response system by calling the emergency number of that country.
Every country has their emergency number that you can call in time of need; e g 911 in the Americas, 999 in the UK.
Imaginary audience
The imaginary audience in adolescent is the state at which an individual believes or imagines that his or she is the main focus of other people's attention. They believe that other people are interested in them just as much as they are interested in themselves. An individual could imagine a multitude is eager to watch or listen to him or her. Although it is most common among adolescents, it could be found among various age groups.