As well as providing the alliance with its name, the geographical position of the German and Austro-Hungarian empires also gave the Central Powers at least one very important strategic advantage over the Allies they were fighting. It was much easier for the Germans and Austro-Hungarians to move troops, equipment and supplies from one battle front to another because they could do much of this on their domestic railway networks.
German soldiers exit trench
German soldiers exit trench
For example, the Germans could move 10 infantry divisions from the Eastern Front to the Western Front via a relatively straightforward journey across Germany. It was no more difficult for the Austro-Hungarians to move five infantry divisions from the Eastern Front to the Italian Front, or to the Salonika Front in the Balkans.
I’m not entirely sure, but since no one has answered yet, I’d go with C. It seems to relate most to what the Federalist and Democratic-Republicans disagreed on most.
Yes, because from the movie, it appears that we cannot so easily delineate what it is and what it isn’t to be human, except through testing (which would be scientific in approach
Blade Runner is a movie which is an adaptation of a science fiction novel by Phillip K.D titled "Do Andrôids Dream of Electric Sheep?" set in the year 2019.
Blade Runner’s most philosophically questions centered around what it means to be human, how do we define ourselves as humans? Do we define ourselves solely on the biological characteristics, or is there something more that makes a human?
Hence, from the movie, the replicants shows most of the characteristics of human, especially in intelligence and empathy, but not biologically.
Therefore, it can be concluded that, we cannot so easily separate what it is and what it is not to be human, except through testing (which would be scientific in approach).
Wasn't original to the Constitution