when colon and subsequently the conquerors, they brought spanish
to America, In colombia there was not a tongue common, not a writing, but a diversity of languages. When speaking of pre-Columbian literature, then reference is made to the set of traditional stories created before the discovery of America and transmitted generation, in generation across of an oral language.This means that, in the strict sense of the word, in Colombia it was not possible to develop a literature. However through anthropological studies, of chronicles of the 16th and 17th centries made by espanole and mestizos, and stories oral of the descendants far from pre-Columbian cultures, versions of the myths created by the cultures that inhabited our territory have come down to us.These myths have been mixed and modified with the stories of the current indigenous tribes.
Muchas noticias an estado ablado de "The Super Blood Moon." Dicen que solo pasa cada 70 años, y que es muy raro que pase. Yo amo tomar fotos de la luna, y creo que es muy importante recordar este evento en nuestra historia. Duro 72 minutos y esos fueron los mejores 72 minutos de mi vida. Cuando todo termino, la luna se veia como siempre, pero esta fue una de las mejores cosas que e visto en toda mi vida!
It is an Olympic sport so true
Lo siento pero no puedo a las 11. Puedes ir a las 2?
Paulo has soccer practice at 11 and all of the other answers have times where he is at soccer practice so the only correct answer would be at 2pm.
Fernando compro dos lamparas nuevas.
Fernando bought two new lamps. the usage of compro, means that he already bought them. To indicate dos (two) would insinuate that the amount of lamps would be plural and not singular. Lampara would be a single lamp. Lamparas are two or more.