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When as young as 18 weeks old, Dr. Patricia Kuhl found that babies can listen to “ah” and “ee” vowel sounds and gaze at the correct, corresponding lip shape on a video monitor.
Around age 2-3 months, infants start coping and making soft vowel sounds. They are able to do this because their larynxes and other parts of their throats change to allow these sounds.
By age 3-4 months, babies begin to make consonant sounds of b, k, m, g, and p.
By 4-5 months, the vowels and consonants are put together to form nonsense words.
Check out for more info about this. Hope it helped!
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Since you already have the equation, all you need to do is pick two values of x.
For example, when x = 0, you get y = 7/4(0) + 2 = 2. So the line passes through the point (0, 2). When x = 4 (picked to cancel the 4 in the fraction), you get y = 7/4(4) + 2 = 9, so the line also passes through the point (4, 9).
You can describe an entire line by any two points that it contains. So plot these two points, then connect the dots with a line passing through them both.