That is odd, maybe try reviewing it to get their attention for your web, plus on my screen it comes out regular, like how you said. Maybe try using it online or try using the app to see if it has gotten better.
I'm confused by what you mean but if you put your best work into it you should be fine
The right answer is a. poetry.
Scops were professional poets that brought the epic poems to life. Playing harp, the scop would chant in a clear voice that carried over the shouts and laughter of the crowd, captivating them for hours on end with tales of courage, high drama, and tragedy. These epic poems were an oral art form: memorized and performed, not written down. Later, literacy spread through Britain, and poems were more likely to be recorded. Thus, only a fraction of Anglo-Saxon poetry has survived, in manuscripts produced centuries after the poems were originally composed.
The novel’s protagonist. Tom is a mischievous boy with an active imagination who spends most of the novel getting himself, and often his friends, into and out of trouble. Despite his mischief, Tom has a good heart and a strong moral conscience. As the novel progresses, he begins to take more seriously the responsibilities of his role as a leader among his schoolfellows.