Celebrities can push consumers to purchase things that will not work or can cause harm. It is especially unethical when a celebrity endorsement is used to override expert opinion. When a celebrity interjects his or her non-expert opinion, it had been not undermine the opinion of more qualified individuals.
As, People are proud of Celebrities.
A product endorsement creates a constant and ever-present advertisement in that whenever customers see the endorsing person, they remember his/her advertisement and the products. Also, product endorsement helps companies that use them to stand out from those who don't.
Bodily Injury Liability
Since the accident that left Francis seriously injured was Evan's fault, the automobile Insurance policy that will cover the cost of Francis's treatment would be Bodily Injury Insurance Policy.
When a user of this Insurance policy cause a car accident that injures another person, bodily injury liability coverage helps pay for the medical expenses of the person or persons injured.
One should carry a bodily-injury coverage of at least $100,000 per person, and $300,000 per accident, and property-damage coverage of $50,000, or a minimum of $300,000 on a single-limit policy.
This goes to define Bodily injury liability as a car insurance coverage that pays for injuries a driver causes to other people, including other drivers, passengers and pedestrians. This policy covers or takes care of medical expenses and lost wages as well as legal and funeral expenses in some cases of the injured persons.
c. has decreasing slope and a person is risk averse.
The marignal utility of wealth represent that the subsequent utility of the person wealth is not perceived as necessary/joyful as the previous one.
This makes the slope of the utility function to go upward but at slower grow.
The first units of wealth produce a great improvement in utlity compared with the followings just like in any other good or service provided in the economy.
d. both countries, as whole, will be better off.
When countries leverage on their comparative advantages, they will be better off. In this instance as US has comparative advantage in producing airplanes, it will be more cost effective for them to produce and export to Japan.
So also Japan will find it cheaper to produce televisions and export to the US. Both contries reduce cost by producing goods they have comparative advantage in.