What is the actual question?
Answer:I believe it is A.
The reason I believe this is because even if there was no lighting, it would still be a setting. You just probably wouldn't see the setting. And if it isn't an interactive play, then the play could just be without an audience and still be a play. I hope this helped you!
to persuade the audience to share the writer's point of view
The writer's goal is to persuade the reader to agree and adopt the point of view he is presenting in the text. We can see this when he reinforces the idea of the importance of deciding what will be done with the available 20 acres of space and how it is even more important that this space be used for the good of the population, for the generation of jobs and the strengthening of the city, even if this decision is not easy to make. In other words, he reinforces that this unoccupied space must not remain empty, but rather be used to bring about improvements in the population. This point of view is publicized to attract supporters who agree with what the author thinks.
That woman's days were spent
In ignorant good-will,
Her nights in argument
Until her voice grew shrill.
What voice more sweet than hers
When, young and beautiful,
She rode to harriers?
This man had kept a school
And rode our wingèd horse;
This other his helper and friend
Was coming into his force;
He might have won fame in the end,
So sensitive his nature seemed,
So daring and sweet his thought.
This other man I had dreamed
A drunken, vainglorious lout.
He had done most bitter wrong
To some who are near my heart,
Yet I number him in the song;
He, too, has resigned his part
In the casual comedy;
He, too, has been changed in his turn,
Transformed utterly:
A terrible beauty is born.
The answer would be That woman's days were spent
In ignorant good-will,
The correct answer is B. adjective phrase.
While writing my report, I found the information on this website to be very helpful.
In order to find out what kind of phrase 'on this website' is, we have to ask what its function in the sentence is. In this case, it is describing something, saying that it is on this website. Now, we have to determine what it is describing, because adverbs and appositives also describe. In order to find out what it is describing, ask yourself 'What is ____?'.
What is on this website?
Information is on this website.
Therefore, 'on this website' is describing 'information'. Because 'information' is a noun, the phrase 'on this website' must be an adjective phrase, because adjective phrases describe nouns.
An example of an adverb phrase would be:
The dancers moved very gracefully.
The dancers did what very gracefully?
The dancers moved very gracefully.
Therefore, 'very gracefully' is an adverb phrase because 'moved' is a verb. This is also the case when the phrase is describing an adjective or another adverb.
Appositive phrases are difficult because they also describe nouns; however, appositives are separated from the rest of the sentence by a set of commas, and serve to rename the noun they are describing.
Here is an example:
The girl, my cousin, walked over to me.
Who is my cousin?
The girl is my cousin.
Therefore, 'my cousin' is describing 'girl'. Because girl is a noun, it is either an appositive phrase or an adjective phrase. Since 'my cousin' is separated from the rest of the sentence by commas and is renaming the noun, 'girl', it must be an appositive. Therefore, 'my cousin' is an appositive phrase.
Hope this helps!